Category Archives: Exercise

NY Minute: “Wasting Time In The Gym!”

Avoiding major gym time-wasters. Making sure you get the most from your workouts, without the nonsense. It’s easier to work into your habits when it doesn’t take too long, as well! In today’s NY Minute: “How can I avoid wasting time in the gym, how long should I be working out?”

NY Minute: “Are you eating as healthy as you think you are?”

What to eat, when to eat, how to eat. It’s a topic that could fill 100 videos, but let’s start small. A “bite-sized” chunk. In today’s NY Minute: “Are you eating as healthy as you think you are? – what to eat and when to eat it over the course of the day”


So, Gerry, a 60-something-year-old client of the Madison Square Club, asked me a very important question this morning. I think it goes to the heart of mastering the art of EFFECTIVE workouts, so I thought I would use this for my inaugural blog post “WHEN HAVE YOU REACHED YOUR LIMIT AT THE GYM? IS IT […]

CHILDHOOD OBESITY – Are Food Labels The Culprit… Or are we as parents failing our children?

So, after a weekend at Great Wolf Lodge, in the heart of the Poconos, celebrating Emilia and Francesca’s 8th birthday, I am incredibly troubled by what I saw.  Look, we are all born with different shapes, sizes and metabolisms, but what I witnessed on display was America at its most unhealthy!! I’ve never believed in […]

Featuring Kate Upton

Kate Upton Talks David Kirsch in People Magazine

Beauty is more than skin deep. When I think of the word beauty, it means so much more to me than just a pretty face and body. I have had the great fortune of working with some of the most beautiful women in the world. My two favorite blondes – Heidi Klum and Kate Upton […]

Fitness Bands, Helpful or Not?

You must sweat or it doesn't mean a thing

I just finished reading a great article on Health. The article questions the benefits of fitness bands — which have become all the rage. Starting with Fit Bit a few years ago, a plethora of companies has come out with interpretations of fitness bands. I do agree with the position stated by a spokeswoman […]