Beauty is more than skin deep. When I think of the word beauty, it means so much more to me than just a pretty face and body. I have had the great fortune of working with some of the most beautiful women in the world. My two favorite blondes – Heidi Klum and Kate Upton – both epitomize a classic, timeless feminine beauty. I am blessed to not only call them clients, but also very dear friends. In this week’s People Magazine, I talk about what it takes to train the most famous model in the world. As I’ve said many times, God created Kate and her beautiful curves. What we didn’t discuss was some of my supplements that she uses on a daily basis – Thermo Bubbles®, Super Charged Greens® and Kirschbars®. Kate is always on the run – fashion shoots, movie sets… I am happy she takes part of me when she is on the road.

As also seen in In Style August 2014

CLICK HERE to view the article in People and InStyle